If you fall under any of the special cases listed below, you will need to comply with the additional requirements that are relevant for your specific case:
Special Cases - Document-related
Special Cases - Minor Applicants’ parents ARE MARRIED as indicated in the PSA-issued Birth Certificate (i.e. ‘Marital Minor Applicant’)
Special Cases - Minor Applicants’ parents are NOT MARRIED as indicated in the PSA-issued Birth Certificate (i.e. ‘Non-Marital Minor Applicant’)
Note: In the event the minor applicant’s parents are not married as indicated in the PSA-issued birth certificate, only the mother shall accompany the minor applicant. In the event this is not possible, the following additional requirements shall apply for these cases:
The Consular Officer reserves the right to require additional documents based on the specific circumstances of the application.
Applicant has no PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth
1. Applicant must first file for late registration with Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or Consular Office with jurisdiction over the place where applicant was born; and
2. Applicant must submit PSA-issued late registered Certificate of Live Birth or Report of Birth once available.
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Applicant’s PSA-issued documents are unreadable
Applicant must submit any of the following that reflects the unreadable entry/entries, as applicable:
1. Unreadable PSA-issued Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) or Certificate of Foundling: Any of the following:
- Local Civil Registry Municipal Form No. 102
- Civil Registry Form 1-A;
- If born abroad, a copy of the Report of Birth is required.
2. Unreadable PSA-issued Certificate of Marriage:
- Local Civil Registry Municipal Form No. 97
- If married abroad, a copy of the Report of Marriage is required.
3. Unreadable PSA-issued Certificate of Death (in case of widowed applicants):
- Local Civil Registry Municipal Form No. 103
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Applicants who lack data in the Birth Certificate or Report of Birth
Applicant must submit any of the following that reflects the lacking entry/entries, as applicable:
- PSA-annotated Certificate of Live Birth;
- If born abroad: PSA-annotated Report of Birth;
- PSA-annotated Certificate of Foundling;
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Applicants who have discrepancies in data in the Birth Certificate / Report of Birth and other documents
Applicant must submit any of the following as applicable:
1. Discrepancy is in the applicant’s first name in the Birth Certificate: The applicant must submit any of the following reflecting the correct entry:
- PSA-annotated Certificate of Live Birth
- PSA-annotated Report of Birth
- PSA-annotated Certificate of Foundling.
2. Discrepancy is in data other than the first name of the applicant in the Birth Certificate. The applicant must submit the following:
- Annotated birth certificate authenticated by the PSA reflecting the corrected entry.
If the applicant’s late-registered birth certificate was registered less than ten (10) years ago from date of application:
- IDs that pre-date the late registration or current IDs with NBI Clearance.
Note: If the discrepant data is in the applicant’s other documents, his/her PSA issued birth certificate shall be followed.
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Marital Minor Applicants who cannot be accompanied by either parent
1. SPA Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the parents or either parent designating the minor’s adult companion to assist in the application process. The SPA must have a copy of the parent/s valid passport/government-issued photo ID attached. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad.
2. Original and photocopy of the latest passport or valid government-issued photo ID of the minor’s adult companion.
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Marital minor applicants whose mother is deceased
Applicant must submit all of the following in addition to the basic requirements listed above:
1. PSA-issued Certificate of Death or Report of Death of Mother;
2. If the accompanying parent is an alien: the non-Filipino parent must present his or her foreign passport and a copy of the Filipino parent’s Philippine passport or other competent proof of identity.
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Non-marital Minor Applicants who are not accompanied by the mother
Applicants must submit all of the following in addition to the basic requirements listed above:
1. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) executed by the mother designating the minor’s adult companion to assist in the application process. The SPA must have a copy of the mother’s valid passport/government-issued photo ID attached. The SPA must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate if executed abroad. If the mother is in the Philippines, the notarized SPA must be authenticated by DFA.
2. Passport or Valid Government issued ID of authorized adult companion.
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Non-marital Minor Applicants whose mother is deceased but are acknowledged by the father
Applicants must submit all of the following in addition to the basic requirements listed above:
1. Personal Appearance of biological father and the minor applicant. In the absence of father, the following may accompany the minor child in the order indicated:
- Surviving grandparent;
- Oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age (requires submission of PSA Certificate of death of grandparent);
- The child’s actual custodian over twenty-one years of age (requires submission of Court Order for Legal Guardianship)
2. PSA-issued Certificate of Death or Report of Death of Mother;
3. PSA Birth Certificate with Acknowledgement of Paternity indicating the name of the father, and;
4. Passport or Valid Government issued ID of biological father and legal guardian.
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Non-marital Minor Applicants whose mother is deceased / absent and the father is unknown
Applicants must submit all of the following in addition to the basic requirements listed above:
1. Personal appearance of court-appointed legal guardian and minor applicant;
2. Valid Passport or valid government ID of adult guardian, and;
3. Letter of Guardianship issued by Family Court.
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