NBI / Police Clearance

  1. Schedule of Fees


  • All clients must fill up and submit the Health Declaration form on-site when availing services at the Consulate.
  • The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is the primary entity of the Philippine Government which issues a clearance certificate for all persons without criminal convictions in the Philippines. The Philippine Consulate General (PCG) consularizes the NBI Form No. 5 (Fingerprint Card form) which is required in obtaining the NBI Clearance from the Philippines. After accomplishing the NBI Form No. 5 available in the Philippine Consulate, applicants then send this to the NBI to obtain the NBI Clearance.



Note: The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver only certifies / consularizes the NBI Form that is required in obtaining an NBI Clearance. It is the NBI in the Philippines that issues the NBI Clearance, not the Consulate.

FOR APPLICANTS WITH NBI CLEARANCES ISSUED 2014 ONWARDS (With no change or correction to be made in name, date of birth, or place of birth and civil status)


  • Authorize a representative in the Philippines to apply for the NBI clearance renewal application on your behalf
  • Send the following documents to your representative:
  • Original or copy of previously issued NBI clearance (issued 2014 – onwards)
  • One (1) 2X2 photo with white background
  • Copy of latest passport (data page only)
  • Authorization letter for representative
  • Personally arrange the remittance of Php200 NBI fee to your representative


 Send your application directly to the NBI Manila thru

IRD- Mailed Clearance Section
National Bureau of Investigation
Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines

The following documents should be submitted to NBI Philippines:

  • Original or copy of previously issued NBI Clearance (2014 – onwards)
  • Photocopy of applicant’s passport
  • Self-addressed return envelope (prepaid or with stamps valid for use in mailing your Clearance Certificate from the Philippines to Canada)
  • Payment Receipt in the sum of Php200.00, or Bank Draft that is negotiable in the Philippines, payable to the Director, National Bureau of Investigation, Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines

The following bank/remittance centers in Vancouver facilitate direct payment to NBI:

  • PNB Global Remit, 365 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1P8
  • PNB Global Remit, 13521 102 Ave., Surrey, BC V3T 4X8



(For those who have not been issued an NBI clearance or with NBI clearances issued before 2014)

(1) Book an appointment by going to the Consulate’s website (www.vancouverpcg.org) under Consularization of NBI Clearance Form No. 5 OR send a letter requesting for NBI Form No. 5 (together with a self-addressed prepaid return envelope) to the Philippine Consulate General using the following address:

Philippine Consulate General
999 Canada Place, Suite 660
Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1

(2) Fill in the personal data required on both sides of the application card truthfully and legibly in print.

If the applicant is a married female, the order of writing her name is as follows:
● Your maiden surname (father’s surname)
● Your husband’s surname
● Your first name(s) or given name(s)
● Your maternal surname (maiden surname of your mother)

(3) Proceed to the Philippine Consulate General or to the nearest police station (RCMP) in your area of residence to have your fingerprints impressed (ROLLED IMPRESSION) on the appropriate spaces on the application card.

(4) The consular processor (at the Consulate) or RCMP officer (at the Police Station) who took your fingerprints should sign his/her name, state his/her official designation and stamp the seal of the office on the space provided in the application card. Please also request the RCMP to stamp their seal on your photo attached to the NBI form.

(5) For those applying in person at the Consulate: Book your appointment and submit the following on your appointment day:

  • Two (2) 2”x2” size photographs with white background (taken within a month prior to your application)
  • Photocopy of passport data page (the page with your photo and information)
  • Cash payment of CAD$38.75

The applicant has the option to receive the consularized NBI Form No. 5 on the same day at 3 pm by paying an additional expedite fee of CAD$15.50. Alternatively, those who prefer the 2-day regular processing (excluding mailing time) must provide a self-addressed Xpresspost envelope and pay the regular fee of CAD$38.75.

The applicant bears the responsibility of sending the consularized clearance form to the NBI in Manila. (See Step No. 7)

(6) For those applying/submitting the NBI Form No. 5 by mail: Mail the following, together with the accomplished NBI Form No. 5 containing your fingerprints for consularization:

  • Two (2) 2”x2” size photographs with white background (taken within a month prior to your application) with the seal of the RCMP Office stamped on the photo ;
  • Photocopy of passport data page (the page with your photo and information);
  • Payment of CAD$38.75 in Money Order or Bank Draft payable to the Philippine Consulate General;
  • Complete contact details: address, email and phone number; and
  • Self-addressed prepaid Xpresspost return envelope (for the return of the consularized form.)

Please note that the applicant bears the responsibility of sending the consularized NBI Form No. 5 to the NBI in Manila or for authorizing the person who will submit the clearance form on their behalf). (See Step No. 7)

(7) Upon receipt of your consularized NBI Form No. 5 (in person or by mail), the applicant has two options in sending their clearance application to the NBI in Manila:

OPTION 1: Designate an authorized person/representative to submit your clearance application form to the NBI Main Office in Manila. The following should be submitted:

  • Photocopy of applicant’s passport
    ● Payment of Php200.00
    ● Authorization Letter signed by the applicant

OPTION 2: Send your application directly to the NBI Manila thru:

IRD- Mailed Clearance Section
National Bureau of Investigation
Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines

The following documents should be submitted to NBI Philippines:

  • Original or copy of previously issued NBI Clearance (2014 – onwards)
  • Photocopy of applicant’s passport
  • Self-addressed return envelope (prepaid or with stamps valid for use in mailing your Clearance Certificate from the Philippines to Canada)
  • Payment Receipt in the sum of Php200.00, or Bank Draft that is negotiable in the Philippines, payable to the Director, National Bureau of Investigation, Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines

The following bank/remittance centers in Vancouver facilitate direct payment to NBI:

  • PNB Global Remit, 365 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1P8
  • PNB Global Remit, 13521 102 Ave., Surrey, BC V3T 4X8


The NBI will mail/send to you the corresponding NBI Clearance Certificate after they have received your documents and processed your application.

Should there be issues concerning your NBI clearance, you may directly contact the Bureau at the following contact details:

National Bureau of Investigation
Trunkline: (+632) 523-8231 to 38
Fax: (+632) 526-1216/ 523-7414
Email: director@nbi.gov.ph
Website: www.nbi.gov.ph

For the status of your NBI clearance application, please contact the NBI through the following:

Telephone Numbers: (+632) 8523-2437; 8526-4025; 8526-2764
Mobile Nos.: (+63) 917-999-9421, (+63) 920-412-9999, (+63) 999-569-9964;
(+63) 915-689- 3113; (+63) 920-122-3327; (+63) 998-368-8668
Email: records_ird@nbi.gov.ph

Date modified: February 28th, 2025

Consular Outreach

  • Apr

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    Status: Booking now

  • Apr

    Whitehorse, Yukon -

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  • May

    Victoria, British Columbia - Bayanihan Community Centre - 1709 Blanshard St., Victoria BC V8W 2J8

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  • Aug

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