June 21, 2022

Philippine Consulate in Vancouver Kicks Off PH Independence Celebration with UFCABC Flag Raising Ceremony at the Filipino Plaza

Consul General Maria Andrelita Austria and United Filipino Canadian Associations in British Columbia (UFCABC) outgoing President Joel Castillo raise the Philippine flag at the Filipino Plaza in Vancouver to mark the Philippine Independence Day. (Photo from Vancouver PCG)

16 June 2022 – On June 4, the Philippine flag was raised at the Filipino Plaza in Vancouver. The flag raising is one of various Philippine Independence Day activities organized by the UFCABC and is the first of the Filipino community-led events in Greater Vancouver in celebration of the 124th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence and the Filipino Heritage Month in Canada.

This year’s Independence Day theme is “Kalayaan 2022: Pagsuong sa Hamon ng Panibagong Bukas (Rise Towards the Challenge of a New Beginning).

In her message, Consul General Maria Andrelita Austria said, “The theme for this year’s Independence Day is very relevant.  The world faces many challenges and events beyond our control but we have seen in the Philippines and in the community here in British Columbia that working together, we are able to rise up and prevail.”

UFCABC outgoing President Joel Castillo, UFCABC incoming President Anicia Miles, MP Don Davies, MLA Mable Elmore, and Vancouver City Councillor Colleen Hardwick also delivered their messages for the occasion.

Talented members of the Filipino community provided music during the event. END

(Left Photo) MLA Mable Elmore greets the Filipino community on this auspicious event.

 (Right Photo) MP Don Davies cites the invaluable contributions of Filipino Canadians to the community.

 (Photos from Vancouver PCG)

Consul General Maria Andrelita Austria with Consulate staff and officers, UFCABC board of directors and officers, BC officials and members of the Filipino Community after the ceremony.  (Photo from Mr. Christian Cunanan)

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