The Philippine Consulate is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm except on Philippine and Canadian Holidays.
Please be advised that the Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver, B.C. will be CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC on February 17, 2025.
February 11, 2020 Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver Hosts a Community Engagement Session for the National Pilipino Canadian Cultural Centre Society Consul General Maria Andrelita S. Austria (center) welcomes participants to the community engagement session convened by the National Pilipino Canadian Cultural Centre Society (NPC 3), which the Consulate hosted at its premises. This was the fourth engagement session conducted by the NPC3 with various sectors of the Filipino community to discuss the significance of having a Filipino Centre in Vancouver and the different programs and services that should be made available at the Centre. Ms. Sammie Jo Rumbaua, NPC3 community engagement facilitator, moderates the session attended by a mixed representation of Filipinos who were positively committed to seeing the Centre built and serving the Filipino community in Vancouver.