August 24, 2023

Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno Calls on Yukon Commissioner Adeline Webber

18 August 2023 - Consul General Arlene Magno made a courtesy call on Yukon Commissioner Adeline Webber at the historic Taylor House in Whitehorse, the capital of Yukon. ConGen Magno began by congratulating the Commissioner on her recent appointment and then talked about the Consulate’s advocacies on credentials recognition and international students.  Commissioner Webber observed that the Filipino community in Yukon has grown over the years to become a highly visible and active community and said that she looked forward to engaging them more closely in the future.  ConGen Magno noted the Commissioner’s work on indigenous women’s rights and encouraged her to tap the Filipino community in support for her projects.  ConGen Magno was in Yukon to lead the Consular Outreach Mission that weekend. END

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