July 17, 2023

PH Consulate General in Vancouver Opens “Taga Isla Exhibit” by Paulina Constancia

(Left photo) Consul General Arlene T. Magno (right) and Ms. Paulina Constancia (left) during the ribbon-cutting ceremony. (Right photo) Paulina’s artwork entitled, “Reef Residents” (textile collage, acrylic and dimensional paint on canvas). (Photos by Vancouver PCG)

VANCOUVER, 14 July 2023 – The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver successfully launched the solo art exhibit of Paulina Constancia entitled, “Taga Isla” on 13 July 2023 at the Consulate, to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the Philippine seas through art.

In her remarks, Consul General Arlene T. Magno said that the Philippines, an archipelago with over 7,000 islands, is blessed with abundant natural wonders and rich tapestry of marine ecosystems. She commended Paulina for masterfully depicting the essence of island living and showcasing the rich maritime heritage of the Philippines and its people.


Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno delivers her remarks during the opening of “Taga Isla” Art Exhibition” at the Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver on 13 July 2023. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

The art launch, covered by OMNI News and Shaw Multicultural, was attended by several British Columbia Government officials:   MP Bonita Zarrillo, Deputy Mayor Peter Meiszner, MLA Mable Elmore, and Coquitlam School Board Trustee Jennifer Blatherwick.

Paulina Constancia is a multidisciplinary artist from Cebu, Philippines, based in Vancouver BC, Canada. Her style is expressive and colorful and evokes personal emotional experiences as reflected in her visual works.  Her artworks are in the permanent collection of museums in the Philippines, Canada and Slovenia.

The Taga Isla Exhibit, which is open to the public, starts a day after the Philippines’ commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the Arbitral Award on the South China Sea and runs until the end of September, declared as "Maritime and Archipelagic Nation Awareness Month" or MANA Mo.  END

Paulina Constancia replicates the sound of the ocean waves while the guests close their eyes to meditate.

(Left photo) Left to right: Coquitlam School Board Trustee Jennifer Blatherwick, MLA Mable Elmore, Global Pinoy Diaspora Canada (GPDC) Treenee Lopez, Filipino artist Paulina Constancia, Consul General Arlene T. Magno, Deputy Mayor Peter Meiszner and MP Bonita Zarrillo at the launch of Taga Isla Art Exhibit. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

(Top photo) Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno (3R), Consul Analyn Ratonel (2R) and Cultural Officer Ma. Lyra Ocampo (rightmost) join Filipino artist Paulina Constancia and her family and friends during the photo opportunity.

(Left photo) The “Taga Isla Exhibit” is open to the public.

(Photos by Vancouver PCG)

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