February 13, 2024

PH Consulate General in Vancouver Hosts Talk on Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

Ms. Neri Miranda during her talk about motherhood and entrepreneurship.  (Photo by Vancouver PCG.)

During the talk, she shared with the attendees some tips and tricks based on her book “Wais na Misis.”  The book is a compilation of snippets of her life story recounting the many challenges and triumphs she underwent while trying to balance motherhood and being an entrepreneur. She emphasized the importance of time management, documentation, saving money, investing in the right business, and finding the right business partners.

The attendees from the Filipino Community appreciated events like these, which create an environment where women feel supported, valued, and empowered to pursue their aspirations.  END

(Left photo) Consul General Arlene Magno awards a Certificate of Appreciation to Ms. Neri Miranda. (Right photo) Chito Miranda and Neri Miranda, together with the attendees, at the start of the program.  (Photos by Vancouver PCG.)

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