September 20, 2023

PH Consul General Magno Calls on BC Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin

Philippine Consul General Arlene T. Magno and BC Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin exchange views on potential areas for cooperation during the former’s courtesy call on 14 September 2023.  (Photo from Vancouver PCG)

15 September 2023 - Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno paid a courtesy call on BC Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin at the Vancouver Club on 14 September 2023.

Lt. Governor Austin acknowledged the presence of a large Filipino diaspora in British Columbia and Canada as a whole and conveyed her appreciation for the contributions of the Filipino community to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of the province.  She particularly cited the Filipinos’ love and talent for music.

The two officials discussed a range of issues, from trade and investment, to education, climate change, and cultural exchanges between the Philippines and British Columbia.  Both sides likewise exchanged views on the recognition of academic credentials, particularly of nurses and doctors, the growing number of international students and the housing situation in the province.

Consul General Magno thanked Lt. Gov. Austin for her support of the Philippines and its people. She noted that 2024 is the 75th anniversary of Philippines - Canada diplomatic relations and expressed hope that the BC Government will support the Consulate in coming up with significant commemorative projects.

The meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere that ended with mutual commitments to work together to build a stronger relationship between the Philippines and British Columbia. END

(Left photo) BC Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin receives a Philippine-designed table runner as a token of appreciation from Consul General Arlene Magno.  (Photo from Vancouver PCG)

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