December 27, 2024

PCG Vancouver holds a second Meet and Greet session with the Filipino Community

L-R: Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin (3L) with Consul Ericka Anna Abad, Consul Analyn Ratonel, BC MLA Mable Elmore, and other attendees of the second Meet and Greet last 19 December 2024. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)

19 DECEMBER 2024, VANCOUVER The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver hosted another Meet and Greet session last 19 December 2024 to provide another opportunity for more members of the Filipino community to interact with Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin. The event was attended by fifty (50) leaders and members of various Filipino community organizations operating in the Consulate’s jurisdiction.

Also in attendance at the event was BC Member of Legislative Assembly Mable Elmore and OMNI TV Canada’s Rhea Santos who stayed on for the Meet and Greet right after her interview with the Consul General.

During the session, an updated video containing CG Jamoralin’s career highlights was presented to give attendees both a summary of the seasoned diplomat’s achievements in her tours of duty, but also provide them new perspectives and ideas for projects that could be conceptualized and realized by Vancouver PCG and the Filipino community through close collaboration.

(Above)Wherever Filipinos go, one finds the archipelago: diverse backgrounds and perspectives were well-represented at the second Meet and Greet event . (Photo by PCG Vancouver)

Several attendees shared their backgrounds and perspectives on their experience as Filipinos in Canada during the open forum. Consul General Jamoralin expressed her appreciation of the Filipino community’s commitment to helping compatriots as they navigate their individual experiences in Canada, but also emphasized the importance of taking a unified approach to advance the interest of the Filipino community as a whole.

Consul General Jamoralin then proceeded to reintroduce PCG Vancouver’s Country Team and restated her openness to ideas and suggestions from the community as regards the initiatives that can be pursued to advance the interests of Filipinos within the consulate’s jurisdiction.

The Meet and Greet event was also used as an opportunity to disseminate information on Winter Escapade 9, the PH Posts in Canada’s flagship tourism project, as well as vital information on the conduct of internet voting for the upcoming midterm elections in 2025.

Consul General General Gina A. Jamoralin, Ph.D. assumed her role as Consul General last 17 November 2024. Prior to being posted to Vancouver, she was appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Philippines to the Republic of Indonesia in 2022 and assumed her position as AEP from 2023-2024. Prior to that, she also served as Consul General in Honolulu and Chicago from 2014 to 2020. As junior officer, she was assigned in Tokyo and Bucharest between 2006-2012 and 1996-2002, respectively.

Right: Consul General Jamoralin listening intently to one of the attendees at the Meet and Greet event. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)

She obtained her doctorate degree in Economics at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila. She earned her Master of Business Administration at the McGill University in Tokyo, Japan and her Master of Public Administration as  well as a Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the University of the Philippines.  She also completed diploma courses in International Relations, Diplomacy, International Trade Law and International Security in The Hague, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo and Honolulu, respectively. END

Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin connecting with Filipino Community members and leaders at the second Meet and Greet event last 19 December 2024. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)
Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin and the attendees of the second Meet and Greet pose for a formal photo. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)
Many expressions of a singular nation: Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin with representatives of various Filipino community organizations.. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)

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