June 13, 2024

Filipino Community in Vancouver Celebrates the 126th Anniversary of Philippine Independence and Filipino Heritage Month

(Top left photo) Consul General Magno raises the Philippine flag along with UFCABC President, Ms. Annie Jalac-Miles. (Top right photo) The Filipino community in Vancouver sings the national anthem at the UFCABC Flag Raising ceremony. (Photos by Vancouver PCG)

12 June 2024, Vancouver – In a vibrant celebration of Philippine heritage, the Filipino community in Vancouver, led by the United Filipino Canadian Associations in British Columbia (UFCABC), commemorated the 126th anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence at the Filipino Plaza in Vancouver on 08 June 2024.

In her remarks, Philippine Consul General Arlene Magno highlighted the seven decades of diplomatic relations that the Philippines and Canada shared, fostering a partnership of mutual respect, shared values and common goals. She further emphasized that this relationship has thrived in various fields enriching the lives of thousands of Filipinos and Canadians alike.

(Top photo) Consul General Arlene Magno delivers her 126th PH Independence Day message at the UFCABC Flag Raising at the Filipino Plaza in Vancouver. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

The event was attended by various officials from Canada, namely: Councillor Christine Boyle, Acting Mayor of Vancouver; Mr. Jeff Busby, Chief Operating Officer of Trans link; MLA Mable Elmore; and MLA Michael Lee.

During the event, a significant highlight was the presentation of the Official Declaration of Filipino Heritage Month by the City of Vancouver and the Province of British Columbia, underscoring the profound contributions of the Filipino community to the fabric of the province.

This annual event is one of the various Philippine Independence Day activities organized by the UFCABC and is the first of the Filipino community-led events in Greater Vancouver in celebration of the Filipino Heritage Month in Canada. END

(Left photo) Councillor Christine Boyle, Acting Mayor of Vancouver, presents to UFCABC officers, led by its President, Ms. Annie Miles, and Consul General Arlene Magno the Official Declaration of Filipino Heritage Month on behalf of the Vancouver City Council. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)
(Left photo) MLA Mable Elmore presents the Official Declaration of Filipino Heritage Month on behalf of the Province of British Columbia. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

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