02 DECEMBER 2024, Vancouver, BC – The Philippine Consulate General in Vancouver organized a meet and greet session with Filipino Community leaders to provide them the opportunity to meet and interact with Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin. The event was attended by more than thirty (30) representatives from various Filipino Community organizations based in British Columbia.
During the session, a video containing CG Jamoralin’s career highlights was presented to give attendees both a summary of the seasoned diplomat’s achievements in her tours of duty, but also provide them new perspectives and ideas for projects that could be conceptualized and realized by Vancouver PCG and the Filipino community through close collaboration.
Attendees also had the opportunity to ask Consul General Jamoralin questions about specific issues that were relevant to the organizations they represented. During this open forum, Dr. Jamoralin emphasized that the Consulate is open to ideas and suggestions from the community as regards the initiatives that can be pursued to advance the interests of Filipinos within the consulate’s jurisdiction. She then proceeded to reintroduce the Consulate’s officers and their portfolios, as well as the members of the attached agencies based in Vancouver. The Consul General also emphasized the Consulate’s commitment to applying One Country Team Approach when handling concerns of its constituents.