November 01, 2023

Consul General Arlene T. Magno Inducts the new PCTC Board of Directors

PHOTOS:  Top Consul General Arlene T. Magno administers the oath of office to the new PCTC Board, (L-R) Mr. Neil Mort, Chairman, Ms. Anna Lu, Director, Ms. Elena Agala, Director, and Mr. Cholo Insua, Treasurer.  Not in photo are Mr. Danison Buan, Vice Chair, Ms. Mary Tecson, Secretary, Mr. Irv Hildbrand, Director, and Ms. Mercedes Wong, Director; Bottom Left – Hon. Jagrup Brar, BC Minister of State for Trade addresses the audience; Bottom Right – Consul General Arlene Magno (4R) poses with the officers and members of the PCTC, student volunteers from the Acsenda School of Management and Minister Brar (standing, middle)

30 October 2023 – Consul General Arlene T. Magno administered the oath of office to the newly installed board of directors of the Philippines Canada Trade Council (PCTC) at a ceremony held at the Acsenda School of Management in Vancouver on 27 October 2023.  The board of directors were elected during PCTC’s annual general assembly on 29 August 2023.  Neil Mort, President of the Acsenda School of Management, is now the new Board Chairman.

The induction was followed by an address by Minister of State for Trade Jagrup Brar, who highlighted the growing trade between the province of British Columbia and the Philippines and noted BC’s keen interest in further enhancing bilateral trade relations, as well as trade with the rest of the ASEAN region.  Minister Brar also recognized the growing number of Filipinos in the province, and in Canada as a whole, and their contribution to society.  In relation to that, he was pleased to inform the audience of the recently announced International Credentials Recognition Act that is intended to speed up the process of credentials recognition for internationally trained professionals. END

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