March 11, 2025

Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin pays a courtesy call on British Columbia Premier David Eby

BC Premier David Eby presenting a Canadian token to Philippine Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin. (Photo by PCG Vancouver)

10 MARCH 2025, VANCOUVER. Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin paid a courtesy call on British Columbia Premier David Eby last 07 March 2025. Joining them were Leslie Teramoto, Deputy Minister, Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat; Eveline Xia, Senior Manager, Intergovernmental Relations,Office of the Premier, and; David Markwei, Intergovernmental Relations Advisor. Accompanying the Consul General were Vice Consul Marco Harder and Protocol Officer Jake Tolentino.

Consul General Jamoralin and Premier Eby discussed various areas of mutual interest such as trade, people-to-people exchanges, and opportunities for collaboration in the educational sector. Premier Eby acknowledged the importance of the Filipino community to BC society and in various sectors of its economy. Consul General Jamoralin also enumerated upcoming projects of the Consulate aimed at engaging the Filipino Community in British Columbia and improving their welfare.

British Columbia is home to more than 170,000 Filipinos, which comprise the third largest immigrant community in the province. The first known and documented Filipino migrant to Canada, Benson Flores, settled in Bowen Island, BC and spent his last days in Vancouver, BC.  END

Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin and BC Premier David Eby (center) discussing areas of mutual interest. They are joined by (L-R) Vice Consul Marco Harder;l Deputy Minister Leslie Teramoto;, Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat, and; Eveline Xia, Senior Manager, Intergovernmental Relations,Office of the Premier. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)
Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin presenting the Consulate’s gift — a bottle of premium Philippine liquor —  to BC Premier David Eby. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)
Consul General Gina A. Jamoralin and BC Premier David Eby (center) flanked by Vice Consul Marco Harder and Deputy Minister Leslie Teramoto as they pose for a photo outside the Premier’s office. (Photo by Vancouver PCG)

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